Shaping a better workplace through evidence-based insight
Understand your employees and improve your performance
Drawing on our considerable experience and expertise as academics and applied practitioners, we offer a range of applied research and consultancy services that offer clients independent evaluation. In the application of robust and rigorous psychological research methods, we adhere to the highest ethical standards and gather data that supports organisations in evidence-based decision-making.
We offer flexible and bespoke services to suit your needs and would welcome a conversation about the challenges you seek to explore, questions you wish to answer, or problems you need to address.
Human Factors
Explore the unique stress risks facing your people and work with us towards a healthier and happier workplace
Our team are recognised specialists in occupational stress risk assessments (OSRAs), contributing to the development of nationally available tools and research to support employers in understanding and addressing risks to the wellbeing of their staff.
We work closely with the Health and Safety Executive in the development of stress risk tools, and our outputs for stress risk management in home and hybrid working have been incorporated into the HSE’s digital resources as an addition to the Management Standards within the online Stress Indicator Tool.
We are able to offer a range of bespoke consultancy services to support organisations in meeting their legal duty of care to their workforce. But we also offer a unique approach, to support those who wish to go above and beyond, by really delving into the unique root causes of stress and poorer mental health within their organisation.

Our approach, based on HSE’s Management Standards, extends HSE recommendations by considering unique risks in your organisation and generating clear and bespoke actions to address your priority risks.
Addressing stress risk at the individual level: Our OSRAs provide you with a picture of the most prevalent stress risks to tackle at the organisational level. Complement your efforts with our innovative tool to support your managers and employees in having one-to-one wellbeing conversations: Forward Together. FWD Together is a digital platform developed to guide and support managers in supporting their team members by exploring what may cause them concerns and address the issues.
Work with us to understand your unique fatigue risks and develop an effective fatigue risk management plan
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 place a legal duty on employers to manage any work-related fatigue risks. Fatigue is a risk, like any other hazard, and therefore needs to be controlled through risk assessment and risk management.
It is clear that the legal duty to manage fatigue lies with the employer. But, like any other human factor issues, fatigue is a complex phenomenon and has many possible causes, making a meaningful risk assessment very difficult. Our approach is based on a multidimensional model of the fatigue-risks facing your workforce that is not limited to sleep disruption, work patterns and shiftwork.
To support you in meeting your legal duty, we offer a range of service for an effective fatigue risk management (FRM) planning.
Our programmes of work in fatigue management include:
1. Fatigue risk gap analysis
Through in-person workshops with key operational employees, managers, health and safety representatives and those with responsibility for decision-making, this service aims to:
- Gain an understanding of the unique fatigue risks in your organisation
- Identify how these risks are controlled, and which ones are less understood and prevented
- Identify possible mitigation strategies bespoke and tailored to your organisational context
2. Fatigue Investigation Tool (FIT)
The FIT is a research-based survey of fatigue risks, which can be distributed to employees at all levels of your organisation. It will provide a quantitative analysis of fatigue risks, identifying the patterns and fatigue hot-spots across your organisation.
Risks are measured across a range of domains including:
- Shifts patterns, working hours and recovery
- Work demands (physical, emotional and mental)
- Environmental stressors
- Organisational fatigue culture
We can also develop bespoke aspects to the survey assessment in line with organisational requirements.
3. Fatigue Awareness Training
Based on our considerable experience of delivering training, we can offer a fatigue awareness programme that suits your specific needs (remote or in-person), that is adapted to different audiences in your organisation (frontline staff, key decision makers and senior leaders) and is informed by solid academic insight.
We would be delighted to discuss your needs and help to support you in meeting the complex challenge of fatigue risk management.
Work with us to enhance your safety culture: Explore barriers to safe working and work towards a more mature safety culture
Good safety goes well beyond formal policies and processes. You also need your people to be well-informed about their H&S risks and to maintain a positive mindset towards rule compliance and the reporting of near misses and incidents. Your safety culture may be just as important in your safety performance as your polices and practices.
Our approach to enhancing safety culture builds on the HSE’s Safety Climate Tool. However, we believe that every organisation has a pattern of specific factors that are unique to (1) your operating context, (2) staff profile and (3) organisational culture maturity.
We offer a range of consultancy services that can support positive and measurable shifts in safety culture.
1. H&S risk exploration workshops
This service includes in-person or remote workshops with managers and key operational employees. The aim is to gain a deep understanding of:
- the unique safety risks as perceived by your frontline staff
- safety-related attitudes and associated behaviours
- key safety risks as perceived by managers and H&S stakeholders
- gaps between perceptions of key groups
The data gathered from these workshops can standalone, offering valuable insight that can inform interventions to improve H&S performance. Alternatively, these data can offer the foundation for our further services including a bespoke safety climate assessment.
2. Bespoke Safety Climate Assessment
Building on the data gathered from the exploration above, we can develop a bespoke survey tool, capturing the factors that meaningfully influence your safety outcomes.
This assessment provides an evidence-base on which we can co-develop targeted interventions to enhance safety systems, attitudes and behaviours.
Our expert analysis can help your organisation to proactively address the unique factors that may compromise the safety of your people.
Also, safety culture is dynamic, and we understand the need for continuous improvement. So, our team can work with you to implement ongoing feedback mechanisms that ensure continuous improvement and refinement of safety initiatives.
3. Bespoke Safety Culture Training
A good safety culture is lived every day. To help your people in understanding how this looks, we can offer bespoke safety training to key groups of staff, supervisors, managers and senior managers. As well, a safety culture is strong if it is applied at every level of the organisation. We can provide tailored development programmes to equip everyone from frontline to senior staff with the skills to fully embrace positive safety.
Collaborate with us to co-develop tailored interventions that meet your specific needs.
At the heart of our work is a bespoke approach to addressing our clients’ needs. Every project we undertake is co-developed in close collaboration with our partners. In essence, our products and services are never designed as one-size-fits-all solutions, but as tailored interventions that align with the unique challenges and needs of each client. By combining academic rigor, industry expertise, and a personalised approach, we can ensure that our collaborations make a genuine difference in enhancing health, safety, well-being and performance within diverse organisational settings.
For example, we are offering bespoke Engagement Surveys: This offer has emerged as a useful service for our clients, who appreciate the level of insight we can provide with our qualitative and quantitative approach. If you have found that your previous engagement surveys raise more questions than answers, contact us to discuss how we can provide you with evidence of those very specific factors that predict your key outcomes, such as turnover intention and job satisfaction. This can be incredibly powerful evidence on which to target staff interventions.
If you would like to talk to us about a specific challenge facing your people, don’t hesitate to reach out to us here.